About us

The aim of our website is to bring to the attention of the Irish people the deficiencies in the Irish health system, the medical profession, the criminal justice system, the judicial system, the legal profession, the Irish government, State agencies and it’s agents.

We have made available copies of Mirek’s medical records, medical witness reports, Transcripts from the Inquest and Court proceedings and various other documents to enable the Irish people to have full knowledge of Mirek’s case.  These documents are of public importance as they provide the evidence of the deficiencies mentioned above.

We hope that the information provided can be of assistance to any other patient and/or their family who find themselves in a similar situation.  We are just parents and siblings, who having lost our beautiful son and brother in a most cruel and inhumane manner, hope that Mirek’s death and suffering will not be in vain, that someone, somewhere will help us obtain accountability for Mirek’s death, and that real and meaningful change will take place, and that no patient will ever suffer as Mirek suffered, and no family will have to bear the sorrow and grief that is visited upon a family when their loved one dies in similar circumstances.